
Submodules module









property allowed_amounts module

class Union[str, int], suit: str)

Bases: object

Card to represent a poker card.


Pretty printing the object.

_rank_to_char(rank: int) → str

Convert the int rank to char used by the EvaluationCard object.

_rank_to_str(rank: int) → str

Convert the integer rank to the string rank.

_str_to_rank(string: str) → int

Convert the string rank to the integer rank.

_suit_to_icon(suit: str) → str

Icons for pretty printing.

property eval_card

Return an EvaluationCard for use in the Evaluator.

static from_dict(x: Dict[str, Union[int, str]])

From dict turn into class.

property rank

Get the rank as a string.

property rank_int

Get the rank as an int

property suit

Get the suit.

to_dict() → Dict[str, Union[int, str]]

Turn into dict. → List[str]

Get the list of ranks the card could be. → Set[str]

Get set of suits that the card can take on. module


Bases: object

The dealer is in charge of handling the cards on a poker table.

deal_card() → Card

Return a completely random card.

deal_community_cards(table: PokerTable, n_cards: int)

Deal public cards.

deal_flop(table: PokerTable)

Deal the flop public cards to the table.

deal_private_cards(players: List[Player])

Deal private card to players.


players (list of Player) – The players to deal the private cards to.

deal_river(table: PokerTable)

Deal the river public cards to the table.

deal_turn(table: PokerTable)

Deal the turn public cards to the table. module

class List[str] = ['diamonds', 'hearts', 'clubs', 'spades'], include_ranks: List[int] = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14])

Bases: object

Class to manage the deck.

__len__() → int

Return overall length of the deck.

pick(random: bool = True)

Return a card from the deck.


random (bool) – If this is true, return a completely random card, else return the next card in the deck.


card – The card that was picked.

Return type



Remove a specific card from the deck


Reset the deck and shuffle it, ready for use. module

class PokerTable, small_blind: int, big_blind: int)

Bases: object

Instance to represent the lifetime of a full poker hand.

A hand of poker is played at a table by playing for betting rounds: pre-flop, flop, turn and river. Small blind and big blind can be set per hand, but should generally not change during a session on the table.

_all_active_players_take_action(first_round: bool)

Force all players to make a move.


Run through dealing of all cards and all rounds of betting.


Assign the blinds to the players.


Assign order of play to each player (to aid sorting in payouts).


Iteratively bet until all have put the same num chips in the pot.

_betting_round(first_round: bool = False)

Computes the round(s) of betting.

Until the current betting round is complete, all active players take actions in the order they were placed at the table. A betting round lasts until all players either call the highest placed bet or fold.

_compute_payouts(ranked_player_groups: List[Player])

Find the highest ranked players for each sidepot and get winnings

_get_players_in_pot(player_group, pot)

Return the players in the pot, ordered by hand played.


Rotate the table’s player list.

This is so that the next player in line gets the small blind and the right to act first in the next hand.

_payout_players(payouts: Dict[Player, int])

Remove money from the pot and pay the winning players the chips.

_players_in_order_of_betting(first_round: bool) → List[Player]

Players bet in different orders depending on the round it is.


Log objects and run checks at the end of each round of betting.

_process_side_pot(player_group, pot)

Check if this list of players contributed to this side pot.

_rank_players_by_best_hand() → List[List[Player]]

Rank all players hands and return the players in order of rank.


Any code that must be called at the end of a round.

property all_bets

Returns all bets made by the players.


Compute winners and payout the chips to respective players.

property more_betting_needed

Returns if more bets are required to terminate betting.

If all active players have settled, i.e everyone has called the highest bet or folded, the current betting round is complete, else, more betting is required from the active players that are not all in.

property n_active_players

Returns the number of active players.

property n_all_in_players

Return the amount of players that are active and that are all in.

property n_players_with_moves

Returns the amount of players that can freely make a move.


Code that must be done to setup the round before the game starts. module

class str, initial_chips: int, pot: Pot)

Bases: object

Abstract base class for all poker-playing agents.

All agents should inherit from this class and implement the take_action method.

A poker player has a name, holds chips to bet with, and has private cards to play with. The n_chips of contributions to the pot for a given hand of poker are stored cumulative, as the total pot to cash out is just the sum of all players’ contributions.

_try_to_make_full_bet(n_chips: int)

Ensures no bet is greater than the n_chips of chips left.

add_chips(chips: int)

Add chips.

add_private_card(card: Card)

Add a private card to this player.

add_to_pot(n_chips: int)

Add to the n_chips put into the pot by this player.

call(players: List[])

Call the highest bet among all active players.


Deactivate player for this hand by folding cards.

property is_active

Getter for if the player is playing or not.

property is_all_in

Return if the player is all in or not.

property n_bet_chips

Returns the n_chips this player has bet so far.

raise_to(n_chips: int)

Raise your bet to a certain n_chips.


All poker strategy is implemented here.

Smart agents have to implement this method to compete. To take an action, agents receive the current game state and have to emit the next state. module


Bases: object


Get a players contribution to the pot.


Nicer way to print a Pot object.

add_chips(player:, n_chips: int)

Add chips to the pot, from a player for a given round.


Reset the pot.

property side_pots

Compute the side pots.

property total

Return the total in the pot from all players.

property uid

Get a unique identifier for this pot. module

class str, initial_chips: int, pot:, fold_probability: float = 0.1, raise_probability: float = 0.1, call_probability: float = 0.8)


Complete a dummy agent largely for development purposes. Extends the class so inherits all of that functionality. The agent will make a move based on the probabilities set in the constructor, so you can weight the chances of it taking various actions for a given turn.

_random_move(players: List[])

Make a random move.


All poker strategy is implemented here.

Smart agents have to implement this method to compete. To take an action, agents receive the current game state and have to emit the next state. module

class, table, player, action, is_terminal)

Bases: object

Poker game state is encoded as an immutable data structure.

At each point in time a poker game is described by the information on the table and the player whose turn it is taking an action, plus all previous states.


Make a nice printable node.

property current_player

Get the current player.

property is_chance_node
property is_terminal
classmethod new_hand(table)
property table
property utility module

class List[Player], pot: Pot, **deck_kwargs)

Bases: object

On a poker table a minimum of two players and one dealer are seated.

You also find the community cards on it and can see the current pot size. Each player is responisble for handling his own cards privately.


Get a nice print out in the debugger for the table.

add_community_card(card: Card)

Add a public card to the table for all players to use.

property n_players

How many players are on the table?

set_players(players: List[Player])

Set the players.

Module contents